
condensed from chapter 3 of Millionaires of the genesis by Catherine Ponder

Since God is the source of our supply, we must do something definite and consistent to keep in touch with that rich source, if we want to be consistently prosper. Those who tithe are always certain they will prosper because they have the confidence and faith that goes with having GOD as a partner.

Although the act of Tithing was an ancient prosperity practice, many of our modern Millionaires attribute their lavish wealth to this practice. "God gives you what you give God".

Giving is good but consistent giving through the act of Tithing 1/10 of all one receives to God's work is far better. Consistent giving opens the way to consistent receiving. As promised to Abraham, those who tithe are not only prospered exceedingly, even lavishly but they are also protected from the negative experiences of life. Vast wealth always brings the need for protection. Tithing gives that assurance.

We can be consistently prospered despite recession- inflation when we practice consistent giving through the act of Tithing. Consistent practice of Tithing had made Babylonians one of the richest nations of ancient times.

You are barely surviving financially, Tithe anyway as an act of Faith. It is a fascinating and mystical way to be prospered.

"If the farmer refuse to give back to the soil a certain % of the crops which the soil had given to him, he would have no crops".

Jehovah Jireh, Hebrew's mystical name for prosperity. It meant, "The Lord will provide for you, regardless of opposing circumstances".

Money invested in spiritual things is never loss but gain a hundredfold. Tithing should be given ASAP within three(3) days. NEVER use the money or even a portion of it for own personal needs.

It has been proved that those who Tithe 1/10 of their income to God's work find that their prosperity increases. The act of Tithing gives our prosperity a permanent enduring basis.

Be careful where we give our Tithes. it is important that we give at the point where we are receiving spiritual inspiration with no stipulation of how it is to be spend by the recipient.

Wealth is considered a necessity for the priesthood because it freed them of material care and that they might devote their time to the development of spirituality.

Genesis 28:20-22 " of all that thou shalt give me, I will surely give the 10th unto Thee".